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【预售】From Complexity In The Natural Sciences To Complexity In Operations Management Systems
【预售】Studyguide for Service Management: Operations, St...
【预订】Proceedings on 25th International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management – I...
【预售】Strategic Operations Management: A Value Chain
【预订】Incident Management for Operations
【预订】Global Supply Chain and Operations Management
【预订】Applications of Operations Research and Management Science for Military Decision Making
【预售】Behavioral Supply Chain Contracting: Decision Biases in Behavioral Operations Management
【预售】Shipping Operations Management
【预售】Exam Prep for Operations Management: An Integrate
【预售】Sport Facility Operations Management
【预订】Behavioral Issues in Operations Management
【预订】Operations Management - The Art & Sc...
【预售】Operations Management in Agriculture
【预订】Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Operations Management and Service Evaluation
【预订】Industrial Engineering and Operations Management II
【预售】Operations Management and Systems Engineering
【预售】E-Enabled Operations Management
【预售】Microsoft Operations Management Suit...
【预售】Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management